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Subscribe to get full access to the newsletter. Never miss an update. Probably half of my posts are subscriber only content. These are longer pieces or ones that take much longer to research, fact-check, edit and write. I thank you in advance for your support.

My newsletter is now 27 years old yet I have written about astrology much longer than that - articles in various trade magazines and journals and a book, Planetary Resonance regarding a technique involving the three outermost planets (Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) and how they inform key phases or resonances in your life.

I’m enjoying the camaraderie of the Substack beehive of activity and its many powerful writers. It’s immensely inspiring to me. I’ve change how my newsletter is presented from one long newsletter once a month to shorter more frequent pieces. Thank you from my heart for taking this journey with me.

Short Bio:

Professional ISAR C.A.P. astrologer.
Lectured extensively at conferences worldwide and online.
Faculty: The International Academy of Astrology
Relationship Astrology and Ethics/Professionalism (9 wk. semesters)
Faculty: Kepler College – Illuminating Relationships (5 wks.)
Monthly classes via Zoom.
Founder of The Relationship Club,
featuring astrologers who lecture on the astrology of relationships.
Writer/Publisher: Newsmagazine, PlanetWeather for 27 years. Planetary phenomena and analysis of current events.
Dorothy has published in Mountain Astrologer, NCGR Journal, ISAR Journal, Dell Horoscope, OPA Journal, Welcome to Planet Earth and other mags.
Daily blog on FB: DorothyOjaAstrology for 10 yrs.
Instagram: ojaastrology  * X @ojadorothy
Book:  Planetary Resonance, Everything Leaves a Trace.
Book in progress on The Davison Relationship chart.

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I’ll be posting every week mostly or as I feel inspired by planetary phenomena or current events. You won’t have to worry about missing anything. Every new post of the newsletter goes directly to your inbox.

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Subscribe to Dorothy Oja's PlanetWeather

The Astrological Perspective on Living Consciously on the Planet


Analyzing social, cultural, political events using the philosophy of astrology. I'm grateful to have found astrology early. It has defined my life and offers a valuable, unique perspective on journeying consciously on this planet with others.