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Whom or what do you love? - Your partner, your children, your family, your dog, your cat, your other pets, your friends, your neighbors, your colleagues, your country, the world, the vast cosmos? Today is one special day to remember what or whom opens your heart and makes it all worthwhile. Happy Valentine’s Day!
“For small creatures such as we, the vastness is bearable only through love” – Carl Sagan.
2/14/25 - Mercury enters mutable, water Pisces: This is a sensitive place for thinking processes. We might absorb too much and forget to delete the trash. Confused or misleading info surrounds us. Seek inspiration to recharge overload. On the other hand, Pisces used well is romantic, sentimental, mystical, prophetic, kind, giving, inspiring and compassionate. Today’s Mercury entering Pisces is the edge of the wider, upcoming #MercuryRx. Mercury returns to Pisces from its initial Rx in Aries (3/15/25) and we toggle between these 2 signs. Mercury leaves Pisces 4/17/25.
Pisces is an extra sensitive sign, having Mercury there means greater clarity and discernment will be required. This Mercury operates on intuitive emotional intelligence. It easily scoops up and absorbs whatever environment it’s in and that’s why filtering and discernment is so important, especially now. Because the mind is super sensitive it can more easily be misled. Gaslighting, smoke and mirrors are part of the Piscean archetype when used well it is magical, musical, artistic. The attributes of the opposite sign, Virgo helps to ground information and test it for veracity and accuracy. Always consider the source of information and the motives of those delivering the information. We live in critical and complex times. We are being tested. What is the dream we dream personally and collectively? This is not a time to be selfish. We are all swimming in the same ocean. We are connected, this being one of the messages of Pisces, that sense of unity and the key principle of compassion - that what happens to one affects all of our collective sensibilities. This is an anxious time but we cannot avoid what is happening, which is often a default mechanism for Pisces. At the same time, we need to periodically retreat and wring out the sponge, so to speak – meaning decluttering our minds and finding peace within. Keep believing and working toward the dream and the ideal you want for yourself and for the world at large. I think we all want peace and love but it can’t happen passively. We must support those ideals in all the ways that are available to us. It begins internally, personally with each one of us. Other than that, Happy Valentine’s Day. A day when we are reminded that love (not hate) is the greatest gift we can give or receive.
I’m working on an article titled, “Planets Crossing the Border.” This planet and its involvement in our next Mercury retrograde starting 3/15/25 (The Ides of March no less – the irony!) is one of the planets “crossing the border.” I will explain more of what I mean in my upcoming post.
Friends, it takes time to conceive, write, research, rewrite, edit these articles so I ask for your support. It’s only $5/month to become a paid subscriber, if this is possible for you. Free or paid, know that I am deeply grateful for your support of my work. Astrology and writing about it is my life and soul work. Many blessings to all of you in these complex confusing times. Notice that there is also news that inspires and individuals who are showing great courage.
Dorothy Oja is a professional astrologer with over 4 decades of experience. She offers individual & couples consultations. Specialties: Elections for surgery and key life events and Davison Relationship work. DOja07@gmail.com
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